Colloquium: Digital Heritage
26. Oktober 2015

Colloquium: D1G1TAL HER1TAGE

Digitization is an ongoing major transformation process affecting society at large and having an impact on cultural heritage work, production and study. To what extent are the modes of safeguarding at stake? How are digital technologies changing or sustaining the ways of engaging with our knowledge from the past? In what ways is heritage used in current digital cultural production? The colloquium addresses these current issues from an interdisciplinary perspective together with guest lecturers from the universities of Hamburg, Hannover, London, Lund, Newcastle and Uppsala as well as with experts from cultural politics, memory institutions, and digital creative industries.
The colloquim is organised by Samantha Lutz samantha.lutz[at]

Institute of European Ethnology / Cultural Anthropology Fall Semester 2015/16
56-112 / 56-127 Colloquium
Wednesdays, 18-20, ESA West, Room 220 (2nd floor)